Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Asp.Net Interview Questions and Answers

  1. Whats an assembly? Assemblies are the building blocks of .NET Framework applications; they form the fundamental unit of deployment, version control, reuse, activation scoping, and security permissions. An assembly is a collection of types and resources that are built to work together and form a logical unit of functionality. An assembly provides the common language runtime with the information it needs to be aware of type implementations. To the runtime, a type does not exist outside the context of an assembly.
  2. Describe the difference between inline and code behind – which is best in a loosely coupled solution? ASP.NET supports two modes of page development: Page logic code that is written inside <script runat=server> blocks within an .aspx file and dynamically compiled the first time the page is requested on the server. Page logic code that is written within an external class that is compiled prior to deployment on a server and linked “behind” the .aspx file at run time.
  3. Explain what a diffgram is, and a good use for one? A DiffGram is an XML format that is used to identify current and original versions of data elements. The DataSet uses the DiffGram format to load and persist its contents, and to serialize its contents for transport across a network connection. When a DataSet is written as a DiffGram, it populates the DiffGram with all the necessary information to accurately recreate the contents, though not the schema, of the DataSet, including column values from both the Original and Current row versions, row error information, and row order.
  4. Where would you use an iHTTPModule, and what are the limitations of anyapproach you might take in implementing one? One of ASP.NET’s most useful features is the extensibility of the HTTP pipeline, the path that data takes between client and server. You can use them to extend your ASP.NET applications by adding pre- and post-processing to each HTTP request coming into your application. For example, if you wanted custom authentication facilities for your application, the best technique would be to intercept the request when it comes in and process the request in a custom HTTP module.
  5. In what order do the events of an ASPX page execute. As a developer is it important to undertsand these events? Every Page object (which your .aspx page is) has nine events, most of which you will not have to worry about in your day to day dealings with ASP.NET. The three that you will deal with the most are: Page_Init, Page_Load, Page_PreRender.
  6. Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data?
If my DataAdapter is sqlDataAdapter and my DataSet is dsUsers then it is called this way:
  1. Which template must you provide, in order to display data in a Repeater control? ItemTemplate
  2. How can you provide an alternating color scheme in a Repeater control?
AlternatingItemTemplate Like the ItemTemplate element, but rendered for every other
row (alternating items) in the Repeater control. You can specify a different appearance
for the AlternatingItemTemplate element by setting its style properties.
  1. What property must you set, and what method must you call in your code, in order to bind the data from some data source to the Repeater control?
You must set the DataMember property which Gets or sets the specific table in the DataSource to bind to the control and the DataBind method to bind data from a source to a server control. This method is commonly used after retrieving a data set through a database query.
  1. What base class do all Web Forms inherit from?
  2. What method do you use to explicitly kill a user’s session?
The Abandon method destroys all the objects stored in a Session object and releases their resources.
If you do not call the Abandon method explicitly, the server destroys these objects when the session times out.
Syntax: Session.Abandon
  1. How do you turn off cookies for one page in your site?
    Use the Cookie.Discard Property which Gets or sets the discard flag set by the server. When true, this
    property instructs the client application not to save the Cookie on the user’s hard disk when a session ends.
  2. Which two properties are on every validation control? ControlToValidate & ErrorMessage properties
  3. How do you create a permanent cookie? Setting the Expires property to MinValue means that the Cookie never expires.
  4. Which method do you use to redirect the user to another page without performing a round trip to the client? Server.transfer()
  5. What is the transport protocol you use to call a Web service? SOAP. Transport Protocols: It is essential for the acceptance of Web Services that they are based on established Internet infrastructure. This in fact imposes the usage of of the HTTP, SMTP and FTP protocols based on the TCP/IP family of transports. Messaging Protocol: The format of messages exchanged between Web Services clients and Web Services should be vendor neutral and should not carry details about the technology used to implement the service. Also, the message format should allow for extensions and different bindings to specific transport protocols. SOAP and ebXML Transport are specifications which fulfill these requirements. We expect that the W3C XML Protocol Working Group defines a successor standard.
  6. True or False: A Web service can only be written in .NET. False.
  7. What does WSDL stand for? Web Services Description Language
  8. What property do you have to set to tell the grid which page to go to when using the Pager object?
  9. Where on the Internet would you look for Web services? UDDI repositaries, IBM UDDI node, UDDI Registries in Google Directory, enthusiast sites
  10. What tags do you need to add within the asp:datagrid tags to bind columns manually? Column tag and an ASP:databound tag.
  11. How is a property designated as read-only? In VB.NET:
Public ReadOnly Property PropertyName As ReturnType
  Get             ‘Your Property Implementation goes in here
  End Get
End Property
in C#
public returntype PropertyName
           //property implementation goes here
   // Do not write the set implementation
  1. Which control would you use if you needed to make sure the values in two different controls matched? Use the CompareValidator control to compare the values
    of 2 different controls.
  2. True or False: To test a Web service you must create a windows application or Web application to consume this service? False.

25.    What is ASP.Net? What are the advantages ASP.Net Technologies?
ASP.Net is a server side Technology to develop a web based applications.ASP.Net will make use of .Net framework features.
Advantages of ASP.Net
·         ASP.NET makes development simpler and easier to maintain with an event-driven, server-side programming model
·         ASP.NET offers built-in security features through windows authentication or other authentication methods.
·         Content and program logic are separated which reduces the inconveniences of program maintenance.
·         Built-in caching features.
26.    What are different stages of ASP.Net Page Life cycle?
Each ASP.Net Web page performs following stages/events
·         Page Initialization (Page_Init event)
·         Page Loading (Page_Load event)
·         Page Prerender (Page_Prerender)
·         Page Render (Page_Render)
·         Page Unload (Page_Unload)
Visit following link for more information at  ASP.Net Page Life Cycle
27.    How do you validate Input data on web page?
Before submitting a web page to server, Input validation on web page is one of the important task.ASP.Net provides below validation controls to validate data in web controls and shows user friendly Messages to the user.
ASP.Net validation Controls
  1. Required field validator control
  2. Compare validator control
  3. Range Validator Control

28.    what are the different state management techniques in ASP.Net?
Asp.Net state management can be maintained in two ways as below
Client- Side State Management
ASP.Net provides following techniques to store state information. This will improve application performance by minimizing server resource utilization
1.View state
2. Hidden Fields
3. Cookies
4. Query Strings
Server – Side State Management
With respect to Server Side State Management ASP.Net uses “Application state” and “Session state” objects to store data or user state.
29.    What are the differences between custom Web control and user control?
Custom Web control is a control that inherits from web server control available in ASP.Net.
A Custom Web Control could be compiled into separate .dll file. This custom Web control can be shared across all application by installing this dll in to Global Assembly Catch.
User Control is a file (.ascx file) that contains a set of ASP.Net controls and code grouped together to provide common functionality across the application. User control can be used on different web pages of the application.
30.    Explain ASP.Net Catching? What are different catching mechanisms available in ASP.Net?
ASP.Net catching one of the important performance factor for large web applications.
ASP.Net Catching stores frequently accessed data in to catch object.
There are two different types catching in ASP.Net
1.Application Catching
2.Page Output Catching

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